
Everyone encounters difficult situations in life. Sometimes you can resolve it yourself; sometimes things change or get easier over the course of time. But sometimes this is not the case. And then it might be a good idea to speak to a psychologist.

Evy stands for evidence based psychology: we find it important to use effective methods, based on knowledge from scientific research. We can help you with all kind of problems: anxiety, trauma, ocd, psychosomatic problems, sleeping disorders, worrying, perfectionism, relational problems, stress and burnout. And also with questions about identity, meaning, “climate depression and “climate depression”.

All kind of people, from all over the world, young and certainly also elderly, who speak Dutch or English, are welcome. We have treated many expats from many different countries. We are an organisation in the “BGGZ” or basis health care, for short treatments.

WAITING LIST: At the moment there is room for a few more patients, so you can start soon.